Being Comfortable
If it feels comfortable, you are not stretching, growing, risking or reaching. You cannot test yourself within the bounds of comfortable. What will it take for you to be willing to step out of your comfort zone?
Fairytale Moments
Our lives can be mythic if we choose them to be. Or they can be ordinary. Every day invitations to experience or live out a fairytale moment come our way if we look.
We can choose to drive down the highway of life at a fast speed, hurtling toward our destination covering many miles but never taking time to appreciate the golden moments. Or we can see the invitations that are presented every day and live a more mythic life.
Living the Slingshot Effect
If you are tired of your current situation in any area of your life, know that it doesn’t have to be this way. Imagine if you could create the tension it takes to catapult into a future you’ve dreamed of and desired how fast your life could change. One choice, one commitment, one step into inspired action can mean the difference between a life that feels like suffering or getting by into a life you are living on purpose and with passion.
In yesterday’s blog, we explored the power of choice and some ways of approaching the process. Today we go deeper…looking at sacrifice.
The Choices We Make
What is the difference between a hard choice, a good choice or the right choice? Aren’t they all, in the end, really simply a choice? Isn’t the result just an experience you have ~ that you can choose to repeat or decide not to choose again?
Salsa Life Lessons ~ Doing Your 50%
Part way through a dance lesson one day, Raul pulled up and stood still…always a sign he’s about to bring attention to a habit or approach to the dance that it is time to end. “Stop doing more than your fifty percent,” he said.
I was puzzled for a moment. Fifty percent? Who does fifty percent and gets anywhere in life? I put at least one hundred percent into everything I do, if not more.
You Want That How?
Ordering how you want your steak cooked is very much like choosing how you want to live your life.
United, We…?
Am I consciously choosing to surround myself with people who support my vision and who are playing the game of life at the same level I am taking it on? The truthful answer to this is ~ not in every moment. So, how do we handle the incongruity of this?
Time for More Fun
A reader asks ~ ”My girlfriend and I used to have a lot of fun but it seems lately we’ve been so busy trying to just keep up with life that we’ve dropped this out of the mix. Money is tight so that makes it challenging.” It takes some effort and creativity but there are lots of ways to recapture the fun…check out how.
Who Am I Being?
These days, it is becoming less about the to dos and more about the being. Are you playing at a level that matches your vision of who you see yourself to be at your highest potential?