Setting Social Media Boundaries
A rare rant…about social media marketing crossing the line.
Transforming the Judge Into the Observer
What is your relationship with judgment? In what ways, if any, is it costing you? How might you interact differently with yourself and others if you took on the role of observer instead? Some tips and tools on transforming your interaction with the judgment and taking on observation instead.
Judgment is NO Friend of Mine
Shifting from judgment into observation…an opening to learning and self-mastery.
Pulling Back the Curtain
Throw light on something and chances are you will see it for what it really is…how doing a reality check can expose the faulty thinking fear creates.
Scariest Day of the Year
Yikes! We’re just two months away from the end of 2010…how scary is that?!
My Top 3 Fav Inspirational Links
Three blogs/sites I head to when I need some inspiration.
3 Tips to Manage the Web of Distraction
I have always loved to research and to learn new things. The internet is a curse and a blessing this way, but mostly a blessing. It’s a curse on days when my saboteur would rather engage me in distraction instead of working on purpose to advance my action plans.
The Stories You Tell
As we begin to take responsibility for the stories we tell ourselves and others, we can become more selective as to the message we are focusing on. When we tell ourselves we are not good enough, not smart enough, not working hard enough…all the less thans…we lower our energy and hold ourselves back. Some quick tips on how to rewrite your stories.
Passport to Permission
How easy is it to give yourself permission to relax, have fun, do something you want to instead of something you feel you should do? The fast pace and high demands of our lives today can make it a challenge to slow down, rest or regroup. A quick reminder and self-check in opportunity.
Hearing versus Listening
How is it that you participate in conversations? Do you just hear people or do you truly listen? Today we explore the distinction between the two.