
Transforming the Judge Into the Observer

Transforming the Judge Into the Observer

What is your relationship with judgment? In what ways, if any, is it costing you? How might you interact differently with yourself and others if you took on the role of observer instead? Some tips and tools on transforming your interaction with the judgment and taking on observation instead.

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The Stories You Tell

As we begin to take responsibility for the stories we tell ourselves and others, we can become more selective as to the message we are focusing on. When we tell ourselves we are not good enough, not smart enough, not working hard enough…all the less thans…we lower our energy and hold ourselves back. Some quick tips on how to rewrite your stories.

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Passport to Permission

How easy is it to give yourself permission to relax, have fun, do something you want to instead of something you feel you should do? The fast pace and high demands of our lives today can make it a challenge to slow down, rest or regroup. A quick reminder and self-check in opportunity.

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Creating Patient Engagement Through Coaching to Improve Adherence and Outcomes


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