
Good Enough Isn’t…

When you can no longer ignore the voice that clearly sees you could be more, do more, experience more what’s next? Knowing there is more you desire or a bigger life for you isn’t enough. Read on for practical steps and tools to help you step up your game and take life to the next level.

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The Ostrich Approach

From the outside, it may appear that living life with one’s head buried deep in the sand of unconscious thinking is an easier path. But there are costs involved and the price to be paid is high. Responsible living requires an investment, but the outcome is a life lived on purpose with greater ease and peace.

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Growing Your Own Green Grass

It is easy and human to look at someone else’s life from the outside at times and perhaps feel like they’ve got it all. The reality is there is rarely such a thing as greener grass. Turn attention to transforming your own life instead of wishing for what is a one-dimensional view of another’s.

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Know When to Duck

There are times, situations and people where you recognize the best thing to do as quickly as possible is duck. I’m all for positive confrontation if there is a possibility of growth or a different outcome. But when a situation is spiraling downward out of control it is often best to disengage, assess collateral damage and move on.

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Creating Patient Engagement Through Coaching to Improve Adherence and Outcomes


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