My Top 3 Bad Hair Day Solutions
Moving past the small stuff to focus on what really matters & links to four social media experts whose insights are helping me to RE-focus my media message in 2011!
Choose One Thing
Changing your experience of today with one simple action.
Kick in the Ass Coaching Moment
Want to light a fire to inspire you? Then check out this “get real” blog post to kick start the first of the year!
My Deepest Thanks & Gratitude
My blog of thanks and gratitude to end the year.
The Last Hurrah!
Acknowledging yourself and others for what came to pass in 2010.
Year in Review ~ On Fear/nO Fear
Links to 3 blog posts on fear to no fear plus a dash of courage.
Year in Review ~ On Stepping Up
Countdown to the final days of 2010. Have you decided how you are going to wrap up this year? Are you resigning yourself to falling short of your goals? Or are you determined to make one final push to complete the thing that would have you finish out December...
Year in Review ~ On Re-Defining Identity
At any moment, you are capable of re-defining who you are and what you are up to in your life. In the end, it all comes down to choice. If you don't consciously identify the qualities and values that define the life you wish to be leading, you get a life lived by...
Year in Review~On Procrastination
Links to three great posts with insights to shift your relationship with procrastination.
Holiday What Nows, What’s Next?
This holiday season, choose wisely how you wish to spend your time…and consider what’s next by consciously designing the new year.