Be the 60, Not the 40 When It Comes to This Stat!
The statistics on the negative impact caregiving has on the caregiver are astounding. Time to bring awareness to this ever-growing issue and make some changes.
Life After Osama
There is a lot of emotion understandably about the announcement of Osama’s death. But is the reign of terror hijacking our lives again? Instead, what can we learn from the ending of this decade.
Frogs, Princes & Creating Your Own Happily Ever After
A link to a fun but thoughtful piece on fueling your own happiness.
Being Grateful for Shakespeare
Shakespeare knew what he was doing when he employed the device of the foil. It is a gift we can use in modern times as it is a device that can give us a reflection of our world. It is like the contrast of light and dark or night and day. Without one, we do not have the other.
Wings of Compassion & Caring
Meet Jonny Imerman and his incredible organization, Imerman Angels. Making an extraordinary difference in the lives of those touched by cancer.
How Angels Get Their Wings
Every day, people do small and large things that, in my books, definitely qualify them for their own pair of angel wings. A short blog about the angels who have touched my life.
There Are Angels Among Us
Welcome to a week of angelic conversations…with special posts featuring people who are making a divine difference through the actions they take. What was your first experience with angels?
A Call for Kindness
Perhaps it is a reflection of many people feeling the stress of the economy. When hard times hit, we can be paralyzed by fear of the unknown or thrown into a “me first” mode of thinking when we live out of a need to survive. How can you answer the call for kindness this weekend, knowing that in doing so you are stepping out of surviving and into the energy of thriving?
“Mirror, Mirror On the Wall…”
A quick tip on a powerful tool to use when you need to make a significant shift.
Loving Your Life
How is it possible to love life when it seems to be treating you harshly? It isn’t always easy, but there are ways to find beauty, light and love in the darkest times.