Is Today the Day?
I encourage you to stop for a moment and consider, if there was one thing that doing it differently today or being different about it would change the experience into more of what you want in life, what would that be? How willing are you to invest a little effort and awareness in stepping into that new space just for today or this week?
Spare Change ~ A Lesson From My Grandfather
A childhood game becomes a time management tool to end the limiting belief of “I don’t have time to make changes, fulfill my goals, live my wellness plan or transform my dreams into reality.”
Behind the Mask of Anger
What lies beneath is where we can find freedom, peace and ease by finally getting to the truth about conflict.
Rattling the Caregiver’s Cage
Newly released statistics on the devastating impact of caregiving instigates a call to action.
If You’re Body Could Talk…
Actually, it can but are you listening?
Salsa Life Lessons ~ Rising to the Occasion…Like True Champions
When life trips you up or throws you a curveball, what will you do?
The Give-Give Balance
Not only is it important to give to others as part of how we participate in families, relationships and our community at large. It is also important to learn to give to ourselves.
What Are YOU Bringing to the Party?
A quick check-in to get the most out of your R & R this weekend…and ensure you’ll be invited to come again.
3 Tools to Help You Walk Through the Fire of Fear
Fear is a great self-check tool. It can help us stop, assess and then choose an appropriate action. But if we fail to engage consciously with it, fear can be one of the major things that holds us back in life.
Helpful Caregiver Resources
For caregivers with limited time, offers up a list of their top ten articles for June on a range of topics including long distance caregiving and tips to avoid burnout. Two to four minutes reading time each.