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When Giving Really Means Getting

My experience with the Beverly Hills Relay for Life this year was ah-mazing.  I had veered far away from anything related to cancer for years. Some people who lose a loved one to the disease dive in right away to fight back. Others of us take some time to come...

Oh My Aching….Part 2

In Part 1 of Oh My Aching… I did a side by side comparison of how in the past I ignored early warning signs of places in my life that were calling for attention.  I shared my new way of approaching with awareness and choosing to be proactive in resolving the issue...

Worth Repeating Wednesdays ~ Welcome!

There are certain messages and informative articles, I believe are worth repeating so I’ve created Worth Repeating Wednesdays. Each Wednesday I will select one or two blogs or articles that are, in my not so humble opinion (because if it’s humble then...

Oh My Aching…

I dance a lot for someone who is not a professional.  It is one of the ways I keep the thriving energy around in my life.  So when I kneeled down a few days ago and felt a twinge in my knee, I listened to it. Normally, I don’t notice my knees.  But now I was feeling a...

Fun is not a Four Letter Word

We’re on the doorstep of the 4th of July weekend.  So with the week quickly winding down, I’m going to send you off with a few tools to help ensure sure you make the most of your holiday. Passport to Permission, a fast read on giving yourself permission to take some...
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