by Tambre Leighn | Jan 7, 2013 | Cancer Survivorship
Cancer survivors and caregivers are often so overwhelmed with dealing with cancer or caregiving for someone going through it they often have little extra time. So I’ve created Tambre’s Tips to help people living with and beyond cancer. These quick twice...
by Tambre Leighn | Jan 2, 2013 | Extraordinary Living
Extraordinary Living doesn’t happen by accident. It requires living life by design, empowering yourself and taking action. So I’ve created Tambre’s Tips to help those interested in high potential living do so at their peak potential. These quick...
by Tambre Leighn | Dec 10, 2012 | Cancer Survivorship
Cancer survivors and caregivers are often so overwhelmed with dealing with cancer or caregiving for someone going through it they often have little extra time. So I’ve created Tambre’s Tips to help people living with and beyond cancer. These quick twice...
by Tambre Leighn | Nov 22, 2012 | Cancer Survivorship
Today, thousands of friends and families will fold their hands to take a moment and say grace. It is a ritual expressing thanks. During dark times, finding the energy to be grateful can be a challenge. Cycles in life include ebb and flow. Sometimes we have what it...
by Tambre Leighn | Oct 22, 2012 | Cancer Survivorship, High Performance
When I launched coaching by tambre, several years ago focused on assisting cancer survivors and caregivers, my mission was to help them to move from surviving their circumstances to thriving in spite of them. My clients have made incredible strides and many have moved...