Worth Repeating Wednesdays ~ Welcome!

There are certain messages and informative articles, I believe are worth repeating so I’ve created Worth Repeating Wednesdays. Each Wednesday I will select one or two blogs or articles that are, in my not so humble opinion (because if it’s humble then...

Fun is not a Four Letter Word

We’re on the doorstep of the 4th of July weekend.  So with the week quickly winding down, I’m going to send you off with a few tools to help ensure sure you make the most of your holiday. Passport to Permission, a fast read on giving yourself permission to take some...

A Bucket of Inspiration

Like wiper blades pushing back and forth across a car’s windshield, my relationship with social media has ping ponged from “like” to “dislike” many times since I launched my coaching business. I dislike the days I get lured off my normally focused path into the...
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