by Tambre Leighn | Jul 6, 2011 | Cancer Survivorship
There are certain messages and informative articles, I believe are worth repeating so I’ve created Worth Repeating Wednesdays. Each Wednesday I will select one or two blogs or articles that are, in my not so humble opinion (because if it’s humble then...
by Tambre Leighn | Jul 1, 2011 | Cancer Survivorship
We’re on the doorstep of the 4th of July weekend. So with the week quickly winding down, I’m going to send you off with a few tools to help ensure sure you make the most of your holiday. Passport to Permission, a fast read on giving yourself permission to take some...
by Tambre Leighn | Jun 13, 2011 | Cancer Survivorship
I know I usually give you a lot more words ‘n thoughts in my posts. Today we’re keeping it simple and to the point. We’re wrapping up on the topic (for now) of bucket lists that opened with A Bucket of Inspiration and followed with Bucket Lists ~...
by Tambre Leighn | Jun 10, 2011 | Cancer Survivorship, High Performance
In yesterday’s post, A Bucket of Inspiration, I shared the video and story of Alice, a 15 year old with terminal cancer. At her mom’s suggestion, Alice wrote up a bucket list of things she dreams of doing in the time she has left. The concept of a bucket...
by Tambre Leighn | Jun 9, 2011 | Cancer Survivorship
Like wiper blades pushing back and forth across a car’s windshield, my relationship with social media has ping ponged from “like” to “dislike” many times since I launched my coaching business. I dislike the days I get lured off my normally focused path into the...