Looking for Love
It’s the title of a song, a line in a Hallmark card and something people often say when they speak about dating. How are we coming from a place of lack?
Sometimes a Thought is Just…
Being aware, but not afraid of “negative” thoughts.
CBT Vblog @ Extraordinary Living~Inspired Lives: Kurt Yaeger Part 2
Today we continue with Part 2 of my interview with Kurt Yaeger…click below for more inspirational insights and a bit about lemons, lemonade, lemon pie, lemon custard, lemon chicken….
Finding Courage
When we’re facing our biggest fears…and even the smaller ones, where do we find courage? It really comes down to choice. Do you choose to live in fear, avoid change or run from your brilliance or to accept the challenge to live your life in the largest way possible?
A blog speaking to a client’s inquiry on how to take the risks required to live an extraordinary life.
Is Free Really Free?
A look at the value of fee-less events when they truly are free.
Same Circumstance, Different POV
What if? What if you didn’t want to change your job, find a new relationship, move to a new city? What if you simply chose to love what you have? How would the life you are currently living look different, even if the facts of it remain the same?
Monday, Monday
Do you dread the start of yet another week of what feels like drudgery, counting the days again until the weekend? How to check in and re-evaluate as to whether it is time for a change or time to change your perspective.
Muddy Waters
A reader inquires about how advising others tends to be easier than getting clear about their own issues. Some tips ‘n tools to help you navigate muddy waters.
What Are You Waiting For ~ A Call to Action!
* Are you fully engaged in your life?
* Do you wake up each day excited and inspired by your career & relationships?
* Have you achieve the level of financial, personal and career success you desire?
If not, what are you waiting for? Really?!