Life & the Oscars
Life changes overnight sometimes. Not just for Hollywood stars and not always with the outcomes we have anticipated. Though we may not be able to choose the overnight shifts that alter our lives forever, we can decide how we will interact with the circumstances.
Letting Go ~ Part 2
As my journey continues in Kathmandu, the plan for leaving behind Gary’s wedding ring unfolds.
Letting Go in Kathmandu
Sometimes the memories we keep of what we no longer have help us on our healing journey…and sometimes there are things we need to leave behind to move on.
Act As If…
How might your approach to life and living if you acted as if each moment is a grain of sand flowing through an hourglass that cannot be upended and started over again? What would you walk away from that no longer serves you?
Are You Living a Life or a Lie?
A single letter stands between living the life you desire and deserve and living a lie.
Accessing Your Brilliant Life
A link you won’t want to miss following for 4 key steps to accessing your brilliance.
Ending Self-Censorship
A reminder that today is the best day to be living your authentic life ~ uncensored.
The “New Normal”
When young Ezra Frech had to have a leg amputated, he found his own way of approaching his “new normal.” A story of courage and grace.
3 Kick Ass Tools
Tools for identifying and living your authentic life.
3 More Ways to Overcome Overwhelm
Final tips on managing feelings of overwhelm brought on by major life changes.