Helpful Tips for Working Remotely
Some love it. Others, not so much. Whether you’re a fan of working remotely or not, it doesn’t appear that remote work is going away anytime soon. So, to help make this a little more manageable,I’ve put together some tips for you.
Leading Through Chaotic Times
As we move forward through the aftermath while in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic and economic uncertainty for so many, how can we lead ourselves and others?
Why Now is a Great Time for Change
In 2021, while the concepts, behavior change insights, and strategies I will cover in this blog are resources for leaders in pharma and healthcare, in most cases, the posts can benefit anyone. We are, in the end, all human beings facing a challenging time and, often averse to change. Yet, we are living through a chaotic time where so much is changing every day. Let’s begin by looking at why…
Doing Hard Things
Seriously, that any of us can get up each morning in 2020, get ourselves out of bed, and get through the day is heroic.
1 Hour, 1 Day, 1 Week
The cumulative effect is my new experiment. I’ll give it a week, observe the outcomes, and adjust as needed. One hour, one day, one week at a time…for now.
There Is No Silver Lining
There has been loss of life, health, employment, social connection, pursuits we love, physical and emotional wellbeing, and, on some days, a loss of hope. The pandemic is causing an epidemic of grief. And, yet, we expect and are expected to ‘soldier on’.
Gimme a Break
Since studies show that patients do better with care plans, why wouldn’t the same be true for those working in pharma and healthcare? What would be different for you and your team if you had your own plane for wellbeing, particularly during a year like this one?
5 (or so) Strategies for Coping During an Outbreak
What strategies are you using to get through this challenging time? What conscious choices can you make so you can be productive, find some joy in each day, and do what you can to stay well?
Creating Moments of Choice
Calm before chaos – saying yes to new experiences, a glass of champagne, and to choosing how we respond when curveballs and viruses and stock market crashes come our way.
Does coaching in healthcare really help?
Curious about the power of coaching in healthcare and whether it can really make a difference? Interested in learning about striving for excellence vs. good enough thinking? Read on!