In my experience coaching, training, and consulting for pharmaceutical and healthcare organizations, most people who work in the healthcare sector choose to do so because they believe they can help patients and make a difference.

2020 has amplified the challenges of doing so by shattering the traditional ways your organization provides care and support to patients. We’ve had to rethink everything in this time of COVID-19. So, if at this point in the year you find yourself suffering from mental and physical fatigue, it’s not surprising.

  • How many decisions have you had to make regarding how to respond to the many crises we are facing?
  • How many problems have you had to solve that wouldn’t normally have come across your desk?
  • How many of your team members, family members, and friends need extra support right now?

If you’re trying to do it all and you’re judging yourself as coming up short while struggling to make it through each day, it’s time to give yourself a break.

What About YOUR Care Plan?

Patients who receive excellent care are provided with care plans. The best of these are clear treatment plans that include wellbeing, stress reduction, and side effect management strategies. If your organization isn’t providing something like this, email to learn more about cost efficient, scalable solutions to improve patient adherence and the overall patient experience.

Now, back to you. Since studies show that patients do better with care plans, why wouldn’t the same be true for those working in pharma and healthcare? What would be different for you and your team if you had your own plan for wellbeing, particularly during a pandemic?

My years of experience coaching clients has taught me:

  • Human beings do better when they have a plan
  • We succeed more often when we have clear goals, strategies, support, and accountability
  • Small changes over time create the most sustainable change
  • The plan must always begin with a focus on transforming stress
  • If a client can form a “bad” habit, they can just as easily form a “good” one

Getting Started

What kind of plan do you currently have in place to ensure you are investing some time each week to maintain or increase your own wellbeing? Haven’t got one yet? Then let’s get you started with something simple:

  1. What is one thing (a situation, relationship, task, or thought) that creates stress frequently for you? (Example: I consistently work far beyond my paid hours, then feel angry with myself for putting my personal needs aside.)
  2. What is one action you can take this week to reduce that stress? (Example: I will commit to completing my work on time at least one time more often than I typically do in a week.)
  3. How will you feel when you accomplish this goal? (Example: I will feel like I am taking better care of me so I can avoid burnout or being short on patience with others.)
  4. Which personal values will that honor? (Example: I can show up at my best for others, both at work and in my personal life, when I take care of myself.)
  5. How will you remember to take this action? (Example: schedule it in your calendar, work with an accountability partner)

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle


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