The Ecology of You
Living a green life where we honor the fact that natural resources are not to be wasted is, thankfully, becoming the norm. Do you give the same respect to your personal life energy as you do to concerns over the decreasing availability of fossil fuels? How are you using your own energy?
Radio Silence
How to disengage so you can re-engage with more focus, clarity and in alignment with your goals and core values.
It’s Not All About You!
Who are YOU there for? Stop. Right now. And consider that as you lead your life, pursue your goals and design your dreams it is not all about you. Understand how doing so will be returned to you many times over.
Confusion ~ Cousin to Overwhelm
Does confusion stop you from being in action? Read on for 5 Tips to help refocus instead of allowing confusion to spin into overwhelm.
More on Moving Through Overwhelm
Additional tips to put overwhelm in its place and get back to the actions that will forward your goals and visions.
Write On…Overwhelm
Today we’re looking at what to do with “I’m overwhelmed!!!” As reader, Katherine, shared this week. “There’s nothing wrong with my life. In fact, things are going really well…so well that some days when I sit down at my desk to work I have no idea where to begin. I end up wasting time distracted by too many thoughts. Any coaching tips for this?” Yup…got ’em…read on…
Self as Change Agent
Confidence and mastery or self-confidence and self-mastery ~ which will you choose?
A Day Off
If today is a holiday for you, how are you spending it? What do you want it to be about? Fun, connecting with friends and family, catching up, cleaning up, rest and relaxation? I'm taking the day off from writing my regular blog and choosing life at a slower pace...
This 2 Shall Pass
Dionne writes, “I want to be happy but some days I’m just not. Do you have any suggestions to help me get out of feeling down?” Read on for some tips and tools on transforming life’s low moments.
Garbage In, Garbage Out
Having faith is important, but it is not enough. To end up where you want to be in life, you must be an active participant.