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Moving Beyond 90293

In yesterday’s blog, I identified two key concepts in for transforming your life ~ The Spiral Effect and the Threads of Continuity.  Both of these are great tools for creating more clarity around your core values and what brings meaning to your life. Why is this...

Zip Code 90293

Where are you in your life right now? Going round and round or are you experiencing the gifts of The Spiral Effect? Tomorrow is moving day…again. I have been through a lot of address changes since my late husband passed. It has taken time to settle down and find my...

Life Beyond the Frame of Loss

Pictures rarely tell the whole story. Beyond the edge of a smile, just past the touch of an arm around another’s waist lurks the dark shadow of grief waiting to bleed into the happiness. For me, photographs are a reminder of what has been lost. A mother, a best...
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