Doing Hard Things

A critical part of getting through 2020 has been staying connected to a support system. It’s no surprise that my friends play a key role in it. At this point in the year, we have walked countless miles together sharing our thoughts, fears, ups, and downs through...

1 Hour, 1 Day, 1 Week

In normal times, I’m a planner. I love setting and achieving goals which explains my passion for competitive sports when I was a young athlete. Or, perhaps, sports was the impetus for turning me into a planner. These days, as a coach, I work daily with clients to help...

Resilience Over Re-Solutions

As I shared in my New Year’s post last year, “Just Say No to Re-Solutions,” I’m not a big fan of resolutions.  They fall into thinking similar to hope, trying and wishing for things to be different than they are currently.  Particularly when people are struggling...

Non-Judgment ~ a guest blog post

~ By Holly McKinley In the face of these waves of life that are constantly rocking us, how do we stay standing? How do we weather the storm without letting it drain and control us? Our true power lies within letting go of judgment. When we judge a situation as “bad”,...
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