by Tambre Leighn | Dec 20, 2011 | Cancer Survivorship
We never know when the very last time will be that we get to share a moment with someone. A beautifully written letter I received in the mail last week reminded me of this. My doctor, one of the most gentle, kind physicians to oversee my wellbeing, passed from cancer...
by Tambre Leighn | Dec 6, 2011 | Cancer Survivorship
On Friday, December 2nd, Neil Goldman shared his formula for success as being a combination of desire and motivation. This is true for any goal or outcome we wish to achieve. To overcome a major illness such as cancer or to be there as a caregiver requires many...
by Tambre Leighn | Jul 18, 2011 | Cancer Survivorship
This past Saturday, I braved the closing of the 405, also known as Carmegeddon, to attend the Santa Monica Relay for Life. I was invited to give a special welcome to the survivors who attended ~ the amazing people behind the “celebrate” aspect of Relay....
by Tambre Leighn | Oct 27, 2010 | High Performance
I have always loved to research and learning new things. The internet is a curse and a blessing this way, but mostly a blessing. It’s a curse on days when my saboteur would rather engage me in distraction instead of working on purpose to advance my action...