Oh My Aching….Part 2

In Part 1 of Oh My Aching… I did a side by side comparison of how in the past I ignored early warning signs of places in my life that were calling for attention.  I shared my new way of approaching with awareness and choosing to be proactive in resolving the issue...

Go Figure…but Don’t Tell Me About It

I don’t believe statistics.  This is different than saying I don’t believe in them.  There are scientific and mathematical theories that explain how they do reflect a certain reality.  But when I hear the phrase “statistically speaking” I check out.  It’s another one...

The Closing Paragraph

When the closing paragraph of the story of your life is written, what is the part of the tale that will be most remembered? What coaching has taught me is that not only do we have a story to tell, we are the author of this story.  We either live by design or default....

Where the Rubber Hits the Road

I love this idiom.  It’s all about the moment where we either get in the game or choose to be a spectator in our lives.   The phrase is visceral.  I can see the tread marks on the asphalt and the dark grey smoke.  I can smell the burning of the rubber.  I can feel...
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