The Language of Cancer

Like the disease, the language of cancer is complex and unique. It’s filled with potential landmines and what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. I get it. As a coach, I believe strongly in the power of language, the words we choose...

Seeds of Grace

Today, thousands of friends and families will fold their hands to take a moment and say grace.  It is a ritual expressing thanks.  During dark times, finding the energy to be grateful can be a challenge.  Cycles in life include ebb and flow.  Sometimes we have what it...

Steadfast in Stilettos

She stood out like a yellow rose against the beige backdrop of the waiting room.  Dressed more for the derby than an oncology appointment, the woman, whose name I would never know, looked out with large, dark doe eyes from under the wide brim of her floppy sunshine...
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