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Just Say No to Re-solutions

A 2007 study by Richard Wisemen from the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail,despite the fact that 52% of the study’s participants were confident of success at the beginning. How many times have...

Dealing With Cancer ~ Tambre’s Tips

Cancer survivors and caregivers are often so overwhelmed with dealing with cancer or caregiving for someone going through it they often have little extra time.  So I’ve created Tambre’s Tips to help people living with and beyond cancer.  These quick twice...

The Seeds of Grace

Today, thousands of friends and families will fold their hands to take a moment and say grace.  It is a ritual expressing thanks.  During dark times, finding the energy to be grateful can be a challenge.  Cycles in life include ebb and flow.  Sometimes we have what it...

The Gift of Acknowledgment

It doesn’t require fancy wrapping paper, a large budget or ribbons and bows. Acknowledgment is something that requires only our time and thoughtfulness.  Yet it is one of the most powerful gifts we can give one another. When we acknowledge someone we: are saying...

The Great Divide

What is it that has us live as if we are separate, individual beings walking our own path?  All around us is evidence of the connectedness of the universe.  The single planets are part of a solar system.  An event anywhere within that system has an effect on the...
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