I woke up this morning with that gremlin staring me in the face.  I checked into Facebook and found a post by one of my blogging buddies asking for support because she was feeling the same way.

It opened up a great thread with many of the truly incredible writers, social media gurus, brilliant bloggers and very cool peeps…all attesting to the truth that they, too, reach these moments at times.

Is Quitting in the Air? One blogger commented that it seemed like this feeling of wanting to quit is “in the air”.   Here’s what I’ve noticed…this feeling, for me, always comes right when I am about to create a breakthrough and take things to the next level.

Want to know my dirty, little secret? In the past, I’ve been a quitter.  And I was such a master at it, not only did others not know this about me…I didn’t know it either.  Certainly, my long list of credits, awards, trophies, medals, certifications and diplomas would say otherwise.

But at my final weekend of coach training 18 months ago, I saw the truth.  I was brilliant at finding a goal, becoming an expert in a particular area and then right when I was poised to take it to a significant level, I would find a reason to change my goals.  I had lots of good reasons why it was time to change but the real reason was fear.

It wasn’t until I completed the Energy Leadership Index Assessment, that I was able to see how I would come to feel victimized by or angry with the circumstances of trying to get a film project funded or get hired as a studio executive or take my part time healing arts practice full time.  Then, I would find a distantly related goal and walk away to start again in a slightly different arena.

I used to proudly say that I had worked in series television, feature films, documentary films, reality television and commercials during my twenty year production career.  The reality is this is my quitter’s resume and it was not giving me a life that made me feel like I was thriving.

Cancer survivors and caregivers don’t have the luxury of quitting.  Click here for some tips and tools to can fight back and learn to thrive…and find out if I’ll throw in the towel.

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