Transforming What Ifs With Gratitude

Over the past two days, we’ve been exploring how to transform the catabolic, destructive experience of what if thinking into a more anabolic approach of completing the past.  Let’s revisit my third personal point on what ifs with this in mind: 3.  You...

Down Day

Welcome to my first down day Wednesday.  Check back in tomorrow for Part 3 of 3 in this week’s series on transforming what ifs.  In honor of Thanksgiving, Part 3 explores moving beyond what ifs to gratitude and putting the past in the past to be grateful for...

I Will Not Lie

I seldom realize that every day what I do is hard…the getting up and getting on with living my life.  It is also many other things…challenging, fun, exciting…an ever growing, ever learning experience.   I don’t always notice the underlying challenge.  But sometimes a...

My Top 3 Fav Inspirational Links

Yesterday, inspired by Sheila Atwood’s post, I shared four blogs that are top on my list to read regularly for inside tips and tools on social media and business.  I have to tell on myself.  When I first read Sheila’s post about sharing links as a blog...

Two Sides to Every Coin

No matter what the details of a situation you are facing, it comes down to seeing that there are two sides to every coin.  Looking at things from this viewpoint recently has allowed me to get very clear in…very short order.  It reminds me I have a choice and that...
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