Today, I am Enough

If you’re someone who strives to be your best consistently, then I imagine you can relate to feeling like you’re falling short at times – maybe even often. I have always set the bar high for myself. It is just who I am. Most healthcare professionals...

Coaching~GPS System for Your Life

What is keeping you on track to achieving your goals? Are you on a clear path or have you wandered into unknown territory without a map? I love my GPS system. It saves me time, money, and loads of frustration. There are very few destinations I head to anymore...

The Transformation of Trying

Words are powerful and while there may be standard definitions in the dictionary, it is our perspectives, experiences and more that contribute to what we make them mean. I believe in the power of words – to motivate, to inspire, to create. They can also have the...

Be Here Now…How?! So Glad You Asked…

Mindfulness…like the waves coming up on the shore, it comes and it goes. Unlike the waves, where the ins and outs are controlled by the tides and forces much larger than we are, our mindfulness is something we have much more say in. For years, I was frustrated by...
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