by Tambre Leighn | Aug 18, 2010 | High Performance
In the past, I have taken responsibility beyond the balance point and become over-responsible. I know this comes from a fear of failure. If I try really hard and do not only my part but also help others do theirs then how can I be faulted or judged ~ no matter what...
by Tambre Leighn | Aug 4, 2010 | High Performance
When we’re facing our biggest fears…and even the smaller ones, where do we find courage? It really comes down to choice. Do you choose to live in fear, avoid change or run from your brilliance or to accept the challenge to live your life in the largest way possible?...
by Tambre Leighn | Jul 9, 2010 | High Performance
For today’s Write On… topic, let’s look at what to do with “I’m overwhelmed!!!” As reader, Katherine, shared this week. “There’s nothing wrong with my life. In fact, things are going really well…so well that some days when I sit down at my desk to work I have no...
by Tambre Leighn | Jun 16, 2010 | Extraordinary Living
Feeling stuck or low on energy and motivation? How would your life be different if you could immediately shift yourself from stuck to being back in action? What if you could choose in every moment how you act and react to situations instead of responding with old...
by Tambre Leighn | Jun 11, 2010 | High Performance
A reader wrote in and asked…“Your Moving Beyond 90293 blog this week really hit home for me…especially the part about would haves, should haves. I know when I think about what if I had done something differently, it drags me down. How can I do as you suggested and...