There Are No Excuses

In my post on September 3, 2011, No Excuses, I  reminded my readers to look for tribal storytellers whose personal journeys inspired them to move beyond the excuses and into living a life of I can and I do. Cancer survivor, Kristian Anderson, did just that in creating...

MLK on Silence

MLK Inspiration Week at coaching by tambre continues.  All this week I am posting blogs inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s quotes and finding in them a nugget that can help cancer survivors, caregivers and others facing major life transitions.  Today’s quote is:...

Don’t Let the Sign Define

There was a flurry of activity on Facebook and in the news last week following the announcement that due to a shift in the Earth’s access the signs of the Zodiac have changed.  It was interesting to notice the attachment some people had to their sign. I’m not an avid...
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