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Who Am I Being?

These days, it is becoming less about the to dos and more about the being.  If I am coaching others to face their fears, move past procrastination and to really start living toward their highest potential then I better be walking the talk.  Am I being someone who...

Sometimes a Thought is Just…

…a thought. Don’t get me wrong…I believe in the power of our thoughts and words.  I believe that where we put our attention, focus and energy contributes to the kind of life and experiences we have.  But sometimes a thought is just a thought. Do I want to lead...

Muddy Waters

A reader writes in, “I’m really good at helping my friends and family with advice when they are having problems in their life but when things come up for me, I can’t seem to figure them out.  Why is that?” Perspective?  Lack of attachment?  No limiting beliefs around...

It’s Not All About You!

Who are YOU there for?  Stop.  Right now.  And consider that as you lead your life, pursue your goals and design your dreams it is not all about you.  More than what you do or who you are, it is how you relate to others that really matters. I choose to believe we are...

Garbage In, Garbage Out

A long time ago, I found myself sitting in a required computer course with a stack of punch cards in front of me and a confusing flow chart of boxes, circles and arrows on the board.  The course lasted a semester yet I only remember one thing from it.  Whenever a...
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