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Split Decisions

If you don’t choose, what do you get? As a child, this heirloom that sat in my grandmother’s living room on the heavy mahogany table by the front window was a curiosity to me. It featured a woman who has fallen between two chairs. Two men seem to be attempting to...

Back On Point(e)

Every once in awhile, I experience a brief window of time where I’m not on my game.  I’ll feel unclear and not as present in the moment as usual.  As a former professional athlete, I have a good sense when I’m out of balance or things are not clicking.  I’ll stumble,...

Suffering in Silence

There are many reasons people whose lives are touched by cancer don’t talk about it.  Going public is a personal choice and it is vital we respect each individual’s decision on what, when and how much to share about their journey.  For public figures,...

You Are Not Your Diagnosis

Our lives are not a diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one.  They are not simply about treatment options and side effects.  They are complex, layered and integrated parts of a magnificent whole that includes our internal and external experiences, interests,...

Behind the Mask of Anger

One of the common responses which costs us precious energy is anger.  Often people’s first response to the word is to think of anger going outward at others or external conflict. In my experience as a coach, I often find anger for many people is the silent experience...
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