I know from years past this can be a challenging time of year when facing major health challenges, caring for a loved one or dealing with a loss.  Here are some links to previous posts you may find helpful along with my greatest wishes for peace, ease and strength.  You are more courageous than you know and you are not alone.  If you need help and support, reach out and ask knowing that to do so is to give others the opportunity to make a difference in your life…one of the greatest gifts of all.

How For the Holidays – how being of service to others during my first Christmas as a widow was the healing salve I needed to make it through.

Holiday What Nows, What’s Next? – using holiday time to consciously choose how you want to spend them and ways to take time out to design what’s next for your life.

If You’re Body Could Talk – feeling any mysterious aches or pains?  A reminder to pay attention to messages your body is sending.

What Are YOU Bringing to the Party? – will you be showing up as Scrooge pre-3 ghost visit or as fun and joy?  It’s your choice…whether it is a holiday party or event, or during everyday moments.

Worry, Worry, Worry – taking a look at stress and ways to reduce the impact and frequency of the experience of it.

Only you can give yourself the gift of a life of more ease and peace…and if it’s not within your grasp, then reach out and ask for help.  The outcome is magical but the process is accessible…just ask my clients who have learned to apply the tools and strategies of coaching to generate incredible shifts even during the most challenging circumstances.

You can experience and achieve so much more in life when you shift your energy from worrying, living in fear or feeling stuck to having the freedom of choice and a path to empowerment.


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