What’s with the big purple foot?  It’s a badge of honor I am wearing proudly on my website’s home page for the next 40 days.

Last week, a very dear friend and fabulous fellow coach, Marni Battista, extended the most incredible invitation.  She asked me to come on board her Relay Team as co-captain.  The event, sponsored by the American Cancer Society, will take place on Saturday, April 30th, 2011.

How has cancer impacted my life?…

If you’ve been following my blog or have read My Story, you know it changed my life forever when my late husband, Gary, died from Hodgkins Disease at only 37 years of age.  This May marks the 10th Anniversary of his passing.  Not only am I choosing Relay to do what I can to help others facing cancer and to hopefully eradicate entirely but in honor of this 10 year milestone.

What I know about taking on personal challenges like this Relay is it creates an opportunity to stretch and grow.  What is one place in your life you hold yourself back…that feels uncomfortable?  Maybe you’ve wanted to:

  • get a healthy lifestyle plan in place including regular exercise
  • finally start living your bucket list instead of just writing it
  • find a meaningful way to share your gifts with others
  • face a major transition you know is looming

Perhaps life has thrown you a curve ball and you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer or is thankfully living beyond treatment.  What if you challenged yourself to:

  • face fears you may have about an uncertain future
  • uncover how to have choice in situations that may seem to be without options
  • learn how to increase your available energy to you can lead your life in spite of challenges you are facing

Stepping up to a challenge, whether it is a chosen challenge like Relay for Life or an unwelcome circumstance, offers the opportunity to be empowered.  We’ve set a team goal to raise $20,000.00.   What does it take to create results you are unclear of how to make happen?

  1. Find a great coach. I’ve partnered with my fellow coach, Marni.  Together we will be able to support each other through the process.
  2. Build a powerful team. We’re reaching out to like-minded people who are committed to making a difference in the world.  Sharing the responsibility with others who know how to produce results will be key to our success.
  3. Create ways others can contribute. Not everyone can make the commitment to be on the team full time.  Finding smaller but significant ways for others to contribute is another way to move toward your goal.
  4. Speak your commitment. Whatever goal you are going for or change you are making, share it with others.  It strengthens your own resolve and aligns support when others hear what you are up to.

Five days a week, I share my insights, knowledge and personal stories to help others through my blog posts.  It is one way I can make a difference in the world.  If you are regular reader and have received value over time from following my blog or if you’re a first time reader who has one or more reasons to want to help us kick cancer in the ass, click here to donate.  I love getting email notices for $5.00 donations.  Every dollar helps.

If you are facing your own challenges and need the support of a coach, contact me for a complimentary session to explore how the coaching modality can work for you.

The big purple footprint on my home page signifies I have taken on the challenge of being a team captain this year.  The journey over the next 40 days will give me the opportunity to participate in a significant way.  These will be some of the footprints I will leave behind…with honor.

More to come on this journey…





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