Elizabeth Edwards is the embodiment of courage, grace, dignity and wisdom.  She deserves to be honored not only through our thoughts but also through our actions.  This week, I invite you to…

  • do one scary thing
  • if facing a fear, allow courage to answer the door and send it packing
  • be bold, fierce and unstoppable…just for a day…and then try it one more day after that
  • get your annual exams (breast, pap, prostate) scheduled…prevention and early detection is key
  • do one thing that inspires and delights you
  • be there for those you love as Elizabeth was for her family through incredibly challenging times

Elizabeth Edwards did not lose her battle with cancer, she rose above it and lived an extraordinary life.  To light a virtual candle in her name or in the name of someone else you want to honor and recognize for being courageous and filled with grace, click Light A Candle.  It’s a wonderful way to center yourself and pay tribute to another.  The site is free though they accept donations in support.

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