In the impending rush of the December holidays, don’t let January 1st catch you by surprise.  It’s easy to fall prey to the preparations, shopping, cooking, parties and other festivities that are all part of this last month of the year.  But end of the year is also a great opportunity to find a moment to slow down, take stock and evaluate five key things:

  1. everything you accomplished in 2010 ~ two hands clapping loudly for this list of I did its!
  2. places where you lived below your potential or off the path of inspired living ~ acknowledge these items not as ways you fell short but as places where there is potential for growth next year
  3. what’s working
  4. what’s not
  5. areas that need cleaning up to create space for what’s next…this can be actual clutter in a closet, an office or other physical space or in areas such as relationships.  See if you can find ways to clear out and complete these things so you begin January with a fresh slate.

By the time you’ve taken stock in these five key areas, you will have all the information you need to generate a plan for successfully closing out the year.  There is no need, no value and not a lot of anabolic or positive energy to be had by carrying 2010 baggage into 2011.

Check back in on Thursday, December 2nd for the steps on how to clean up and clear out the year to be ready to design and step into an ah-mazing 2011.  It won’t happen magically just because you hope it will be different.  Ah-mazing comes when you consciously create an action plan that is in alignment with your core values and a life that inspires you.  Follow today’s steps one through five between now and Thursday and you will be well on your way.

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