Screw Graceful, Polite & Doing it Right

Throughout our lives, and even throughout our day, we tend to wear multiple masks.  We have certain ways we present ourselves at work, with friends and in our intimate relationships.  It isn’t appropriate to show up and interact the same way in our job as we do...

Don’t Let the Sign Define

There was a flurry of activity on Facebook and in the news last week following the announcement that due to a shift in the Earth’s access the signs of the Zodiac have changed.  It was interesting to notice the attachment some people had to their sign. I’m not an avid...

From Why Me to What’s Next?

It’s not uncommon for us to ask the question, ‘why me?’, when things we deem to be challenges or losses occur in our lives. On the other hand, it isn’t often you hear a lottery winner, someone who has just received a job promotion or a clean bill of health ask ‘why...
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