Do Not Assume

Who isn’t familiar with the little ditty about A*S*S*U*M*E means making an ASS out of U and ME?  Even more important than not looking like a fool because you’ve assumed something is understanding you cannot know what you don’t know.  Your assumption or interpretation...

The Stories You Tell

This week, pay attention to the stories you tell…the ones you tell yourself and the ones you share with others.   You missed a deadline.  Does that internal critic take over and comment on your laziness?  Does it remind you if you were more intelligent or more focused...

Know When to Duck

Taking the high road can get you a lot of places but sometimes in life you need to know when to duck.  I use my coaching tools daily, giving me a life of greater ease.  It doesn’t mean that s&$t doesn’t hit the fan sometimes, but it does allow me to stay grounded...

It’s Not All About You!

Who are YOU there for?  Stop.  Right now.  And consider that as you lead your life, pursue your goals and design your dreams it is not all about you.  More than what you do or who you are, it is how you relate to others that really matters. I choose to believe we are...
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