Bridging the Gap: The Journey Begins

  When an oncology nurse got trained in coaching skills, how she approached her role changed. What are two ways you feel you will now approach your role differently with what you’ve learned in just this first weekend? I no longer presume I have the answer to what...

The Dance of Life

Last fall, when I ended up stranded far from home without power due to Hurricane Sandy my team was there for me.  Ahead of the storm when we realized on the Sunday before it hit that I wasn’t getting out, they helped me create an exit strategy and an interim place to...

What Carpe Diem and Kale Have in Common

One of the things I admire and respect about Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) is that they take risks and experiment with new approaches. I’d long heard about the benefits of Kale and yet I hadn’t found a palatable way to enjoy it.  But at the 2013 Blogger...

The Language of Cancer

Like the disease, the language of cancer is complex and unique.  It’s filled with potential landmines and what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another.  I get it.  As a coach, I believe strongly in the power of language, the words we choose and the...
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