Click for iTunes link to “Stronger”
To quote* Kelly Clarkson, “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” But when it comes to stress, that’s only true if you learn how to reduce or eliminate it.
It’s common knowledge that stress is not beneficial. In recent years, the insights have gotten more specific about the toll it is taking on our health, careers, relationships, fun and enjoyment in life and on our peace of mind. Lately, the data connecting stress and its role in cancer has made headlines as has the call for prevention.
Studies now verify long-term stress can actually cause permanent changes to our genes. According to an article written by Dr. Brian Lawenda, “Stress and Cancer 101: Why Stress Reduction Is Essential”, scientists believe it is the release of hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine that are at the root of the problem.
This connects directly with one of the core concepts of the Core Energy™ Coaching approach that iPEC trained coaches like myself have the tools to assess and evaluate through the Energy Leadership Index assessment. This assessment reveals your current stress levels as well as identify key triggers and ways you self-generate stress along with the impact it is having not just in the physical realm but in five other key areas where you may be losing energy to stress in your life. Assessing your stress is a critical first step to increasing your awareness so you can identify changes you can make.
In August 2012, I had the honor of attending the World Cancer Congress in Montreal to present on “Coaching as the Missing Piece in Survivorship Care Planning.” At the American Cancer Society dinner, CEO John Seffren initiated a powerful call to action for individuals, the private sector and healthcare to move to a model of prevention.
Each of us can do our part to step into a model of prevention and improve not only our own levels of wellbeing but also contribute to alleviating ever-growing burdens in the healthcare arena by living healthier and more successful lives with less stress and more ease. As a first step, give some thought to what is causing you the most stress in life and one action you can take to reduce it.
* According to Wikipedia, lyrics written by: Jörgen Elofsson, Ali Tamposi, and David Gamson, with additional writing and production by Greg Kurstin