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A Day Off

If today is a holiday for you, how are you spending it?  What do you want it to be about?  Fun, connecting with friends and family, catching up, cleaning up, rest and relaxation?  I’m taking the day off from writing my regular blog and choosing life at a slower...

Garbage In, Garbage Out

A long time ago, I found myself sitting in a required computer course with a stack of punch cards in front of me and a confusing flow chart of boxes, circles and arrows on the board.  The course lasted a semester yet I only remember one thing from it.  Whenever a...

Catabolic Energy ~ The Stressor or the Source?

We’ve all experienced those people, places, thoughts and experiences that inspire us and move us into appreciation or action. We’ve also all experienced the contrary situations of times we’ve felt weighed down, blocked or stuck. When people talk about energy, they...
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